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Friday, August 13, 2004

For there are brighter sides to life

As cassetes, os jornalistas, os polícias, os ladrões e a Casa Pia. A ética, a deontologia, os editoriais, o sigilo profissional, a prova em tribunal, a difamação do Salvado, o Ferro chateado, a Focus chocada, amordaçada... e o País... O País vai-se ocupando, tendo algo onde morder num Agosto em que pouco se passa de facto.

E, por isso, como o tédio é inimigo do ócio. E o ócio é amigo de alguém que eu mal conheço, o melhor mesmo é ouvir Smiths. E beber um Jameson. Ou ouvir música em cassetes gravadas ilegalmente de um qualquer LP com os românticos russos, dos tempos idos de Estaline. Ou então ainda ouvir esta música. E ler cuidadosamente a letra.

I decree today that life
Is simply taking and not giving
England is mine and it owes me a living
But ask me why, and I'll spit in your eye, no
Oh, ask me why, and I'll spit in your eye
Look, we cannot cling to the old dreams anymore
No, we cannot cling to those dreams

Does the body rule the mind
Or does the mind rule the body ?
I dunno...

Under the iron bridge we kissed
And although I ended up with sore lips
It just wasn't like the old days anymore
No, it wasn't like those days
Am I still ill ?
Oh, no ...
Oh, no ...
Oh, am I still ill ?
Oh, no ...
Oh, no ...

Does the body rule the mind
Or does the mind rule the body ?
I dunno...

Ask me why, and I'll smile
Oh, ask me why, and I'll die
And if you must, go to work - tomorrow
Well, if I were you I really wouldn't bother
For there are brighter sides to life
And I should know, because I've seen them
Under the iron bridge we kissed
And although I ended up with sore lips
It just wasn't like the old days anymore
No, it wasn't like those days
Am I still ill ?
Oh, no ...
Oh, no ...
Oh, am I still ill ?
Oh, no ...
Oh, no ...


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